STIAS, Stellenbosch
9 July 2019

Working Papers
On 20 and 21 June 2019, the labour group within RESEP hosted a small, successful workshop on The Labour Market in a Macro-economic Context at the Stellenbosch Institute for Advanced Studies (STIAS)
STIAS, Stellenbosch
25 June 2019
STIAS, Stellenbosch
11 June 2019
On May 27, 2019, RESEP and uMama of Stellenbosch University, Bath University and the Western Cape Department of Human Settlements hosted a symposium on subsidised housing at the Stellenbosch Institute for Advanced Study (STIAS).
STIAS, Stellenbosch
28 May 2019
Congratulations to Tina Fransman, who not only starts her PhD at RESEP in 2019 but also won the 2018 Economic Society of SA (Essa) Founders’ Medal for Best Economics Master’s Thesis at a South African university.
STIAS, Stellenbosch
09 April 2019
STIAS, Stellenbosch
02 April 2019
Smith, A., Burger, R. and Black, V., 2019. Demand-Side Causes and Covariates of Late Antenatal Care Access in Cape Town, South Africa. Maternal and child health journal, pp.1-10.
STIAS, Stellenbosch
26 March 2019
STIAS, Stellenbosch
19 March 2019
Christian, C., Burger, B., Claassens, C., Bond, V. & Burger, R. (2019). Patient predictors of health-seeking behaviour for persons coughing for more than two weeks in high-burden tuberculosis communities: the case of the Western Cape, South Africa. BMC Health Services Research 19(1): 160. doi: 10.1186/s12913-019-3992-6
Nangamso Mtsatse, a RESEP PhD student, has been named as one of the world’s top 30 rising young leaders (under 30 years of age) in the literacy field by International Literacy Association (ILA).
Deadline: 19 April 2019 About the award: Research on Socio-Economic Policy (RESEP) is pleased to announce the availability of a bursary to support a currently…
STIAS, Stellenbosch
26 February 2019
RESEP researcher Nic Spaull unpacks the implications of the 2019 South African Budget, with a focus on education in particular.