STIAS, Stellenbosch
10 September 2019
Working Papers
STIAS, Stellenbosch
3 September 2019
STIAS, Stellenbosch
27 August 2019
STIAS, Stellenbosch
20 August 2019
STIAS, Stellenbosch
20 August 2019
STIAS, Stellenbosch
13 August 2019
STIAS, Stellenbosch
13 August 2019
STIAS, Stellenbosch
6 August 2019
STIAS, Stellenbosch
6 August 2019
STIAS, Stellenbosch
30 July 2019
In 2016, RESEP published the “Binding Constraints” report discussing the importance of reading for meaning by grade 3. Three years later, President Cyril Ramaphosa echoes this sentiment in his State of the Nation (SONA) address in 2019.
RESEP hosted a two-day workshop at STIAS from 4 to 5 July 2019, with participation from key academics and policymakers engaged in early learning research or implementation of improvement programmes. The topics covered include early childhood development and related programmes to improve the quality of grade R and ECD service delivery, assessment of children before they reach school-going age, reading trajectories in early grades and programmes to improve reading outcomes in school.
STIAS, Stellenbosch
9 July 2019
On 20 and 21 June 2019, the labour group within RESEP hosted a small, successful workshop on The Labour Market in a Macro-economic Context at the Stellenbosch Institute for Advanced Studies (STIAS)
STIAS, Stellenbosch
25 June 2019
STIAS, Stellenbosch
11 June 2019