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RESEP education research has a strong emphasis on empirical research in a broad range of policy-related issues including teacher knowledge and training, early-childhood outcomes, accountability, socioeconomic status, and school effectiveness. Policy application is one of the central aims of the research.

Reports & Policy Briefs: Education

COVID-19 and basic education: Evaluating the initial impact of the return to schooling

This paper describes the partial return to school that occurred during June and July, drawing mainly on the second wave of the NIDSCRAM survey. To what extent was there alignment between the grades that were gazetted to return in June and July and actual school attendance rates by children across the grades? How worried were parents and guardians about sending their children back to school and how did this vary across society?

September 12, 2020 By: Debra Shepherd, Nompumelelo Mohohlwane, Stephen Taylor PDF

A Sector Hanging in the Balance: ECD and Lockdown in South Africa

New evidence suggests that over four months after the closure of early childhood development (ECD) programmes on 18 March 2020, the ECD sector is likely to be operating at less than a quarter of its pre-lockdown levels. Of the 38% of respondents from the new NIDS-CRAM survey reporting that children aged 0-6 in their households had attended ECD programmes before the lockdown in March, only 12% indicated that children had returned to these programmes by mid-July, well after programmes were allowed to reopen

August 12, 2020 By: Gabrielle Wills, Janeli Kotze, Jesal Kika-Mistry PDF

The DBE’s workbooks as a curriculum tool

Stellenbosch Policy Brief No. 01/2016

Stellenbosch Policy Brief No. 01/2016 Abstract: The Department of Basic Education’s workbooks are an impressive and most welcome recent intervention in our education system. Creating…

October 16, 2017 By: Ursula Hoadly, Jaamia Galant PDF