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RESEP education research has a strong emphasis on empirical research in a broad range of policy-related issues including teacher knowledge and training, early-childhood outcomes, accountability, socioeconomic status, and school effectiveness. Policy application is one of the central aims of the research.

Reports & Policy Briefs: Education

The DBE’s workbooks as a curriculum tool

Stellenbosch Policy Brief No. 01/2016

Stellenbosch Policy Brief No. 01/2016 Abstract: The Department of Basic Education’s workbooks are an impressive and most welcome recent intervention in our education system. Creating…

October 16, 2017 By: Ursula Hoadly, Jaamia Galant PDF

Learning to read and reading to learn

Stellenbosch Policy Brief No. 04/2016

Stellenbosch Policy Brief No. 04/2016 Abstract: Reading for meaning and pleasure is arguably the most important skill children learn in primary school. Since almost all…

October 16, 2017 By: Nic Spaull PDF