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RESEP website launch

It’s been a while in the making, but we are very excited to announce that the day has finally arrived: RESEP’s new website is now live!

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September 5, 2018 By: RESEP Team PDF

RESEP’s Short Course Training

The Department of Higher Education Training (DHET) course is funded by UNICEF. The course, which is a Stellenbosch University accredited short course, typically lasts two weeks.

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July 16, 2018 By: RESEP Team PDF

Funda Wande: Teaching Reading for Meaning

The “Funda Wande: Teaching Reading for Meaning” project aims to help address the fact that most (58%) South African children don’t read for meaning, by developing a high-quality, free, open-access and SAQA-approved course: the ‘Certificate in Teaching Early Grade Reading.”

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July 2, 2018 By: Nic Spaull PDF