Burger, R., Dang, C.T. and Owens, T., 2017. Better performing NGOs do report more accurately: Evidence from investigating Ugandan NGO financial accounts (No. 2017-10).
This is a broad focus area of RESEP research dealing with large scale issues of poverty and inequality, gender and youth, as well as social security and spending.

Development 2017
The effect of old age pensions on child deprivation: revisiting the role of gender
Stellenbosch Working Paper Series No. WP13/2017Stellenbosch Working Paper Series No. WP13/2017 Publication date: October 2017 Abstract: Existing work suggests that the South African state old age pension, through, increasing female…
Gender, Self-concept and Mathematics and Science Performance of South African Grade 9 Students
Stellenbosch Working Paper Series No. WP10/2017Stellenbosch Working Paper Series No. WP11/2017 Publication date: October 2017 Abstract: Despite improvements over the past decade, South African women continue to be underrepresented in…
Building bridges or deepening divides: Resources and formal volunteering in post-apartheid South Africa
Stellenbosch Working Paper Series No. WP03/2017Stellenbosch Working Paper Series No. WP03/2017 Publication date: May 2017 Abstract: This study investigates volunteering in a highly unequal society. It uses post-apartheid South Africa…
Using household surveys for deriving labour market, poverty and inequality trends in South Africa
Ph.D. Thesis (2012)Supervisor: Professor Servaas van der Berg Institution: Stellenbosch University, Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences, Department of Economics Abstract: In order to evaluate the extent…
Abstract The purpose of this paper is to examine the relationship between financial self-efficacy (FSE) and financial inclusion (FI) among individual financial consumers in…