Abstract In the past decade there has been a notable shift in South African education policy that raises the value of school leadership as a…
RESEP education research has a strong emphasis on empirical research in a broad range of policy-related issues including teacher knowledge and training, early-childhood outcomes, accountability, socioeconomic status, and school effectiveness. Policy application is one of the central aims of the research.

Abstract Available developing country enrolment ratios are frequently inaccurate. This results in poorly informed policy discourses. Underlying data problems can undermine funding systems. The…
A Riddle Explained: Gender Disparities in East African Education
Zuze, T.L., 2015. A riddle explained: gender disparities in East African education. African Review of Economics and Finance, 7(2), pp.29-59.Abstract There can be little question that studying the relationship between education and inequality will benefit public investment in education. Although primary school enrollment…
Abstract In the late 1990s, the South African Department of Education implemented two policies that were meant to reduce the large number of over‐aged…
Abstract This paper reports on a study to provide insights into the magnitude of the shocks associated with the recent global economic crisis in…
Abstract The aim of the current study is to create a composite statistic of educational quantity and educational quality by combining household data (Demographic and…
Abstract: This paper describes the expansion since 2001 of a public pre-school programme in South Africa known as ‘Grade R’, summarises the findings from an…
Abstract: This study analyses information and feedback from matriculation-level continuous assessment in the South African education system in 2005. Continuous assessment (CASS) at the…
Abstract This study explores the important relationship between policy variables that represent a school’s human resources and product variables in the form of student…
Abstract The importance of reading literacy as a foundation for academic success is widely acknowledged. What is less well understood is why gender patterns…
Abstract: The strong legacy of apartheid and the consequent correlation between education and wealth have meant that, generally speaking, poorer South African students perform…
In December 2012 the Department of Performance Monitoring and Evaluation (DPME) in the Presidency in partnership with the Department of Basic Education (DBE) commissioned an…
Abstract Analysts such as Hanushek and Woessman have brought to the fore the deceptiveness of education enrolments, or years of schooling, in growth regressions…
Abstract The paper reviews some of the existing economics of education literature from the perspective of South Africa’s education policymaking needs. It also puts…
Abstract The intent of this study is to understand both direct and indirect resource effects in the context of a mass education system in…
Abstract We investigate links between students’ achievement and several resource inputs in African primary schools, using data from the 2000 Southern and Eastern Africa…
Abstract: This study analyses information and feedback from matriculation-level continuous assessment in the South African education system in 2005. Continuous assessment (CASS) at the time…
Abstract By using a consolidated dataset of schools derived from a range of administrative systems, it is shown that overall public spending in the schooling…
Abstract In this article school characteristics linked with educational effectiveness in 14 sub-Saharan African countries are identified. Effectiveness has been defined in terms of…