Stellenbosch Policy Brief No. 06/2016 Abstract: To make rational decisions that will lead to good education for all, policymakers need reliable information and solid evidence….
Stellenbosch Policy Brief No. 07/2016 Abstract: To realise improvements in the South African education system and overcome substantial inequalities in learning that exist, prioritisation must…
Stellenbosch Policy Brief No. 01/2015 Abstract: School principals matter for children’s learning – both anecdotal and international quantitative evidence support this. But policy makers often…
Stellenbosch Policy Brief No. 02/2015 Abstract: Matriculation results are vital for learners. Young people’s options for university entry, bursaries, career choice and labour market prospects…
Stellenbosch Policy Brief No. 03/2015 Abstract: Across all research disciplines there is now widespread agreement that investment in early childhood development (ECD) brings high returns…
Stellenbosch Policy Brief No. 04/2015 Abstract: The working paper on which this policy brief is based reviews education datasets available in South Africa, mostly from…
Stellenbosch Policy Brief No. 01/2012 Abstract: Despite positive trends in completion rates and Grade R enrolment, staggering numbers of South African learners continue to lack…