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The focus of the content on this page is on the economics of education in Sub-Saharan Africa. Here you’ll find the most recent research publications, working papers and policy briefs produced by RESEP researchers. In some instances, this work dates back to more ten years.

What lies behind South Africa’s improvements in PIRLS? An Oaxaca-Blinder analysis of the 2011 and 2016 data

Three international testing programmes, including PIRLS, point to educational quality improvements in South Africa during the period 2002 to 2019. The gains were substantial, relative to the steepness of improvements seen in other countries. What lay behind these trends? National education quality trends are not easy to explain, and this is seldom attempted in a systematic manner.

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July 15, 2022 By: Martin Gustafsson& Stephen Taylor  PDF

School Teacher Supply and Demand in South Africa in 2019 and Beyond

This research report was produced for the Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET) and the Department of Basic Education (DBE). The study was undertaken to assess demand for, and supply of, teachers in the public service, in order to better inform teacher training policy.

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March 13, 2022 By: Servaas van der Berg, Martin Gustafsson, and Cobus Burger PDF

New foundations: Strengthening ECCE provisioning in South Africa after COVID-19

Events surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic threatened to undo 20 years of sustained expansion in access to early childhood care and education (ECCE) in South Africa. In this paper, we explore the underlying structural weaknesses in non-grade R ECCE provisioning that were exposed through the pandemic, and the strengths that have surfaced.

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March 2, 2022 By: Gabrielle Wills and Jesal Kika-Mistry PDF