RESEP members often collaborate in a number of ways with the international bodies that oversee policy and service delivery trends across the world. These bodies have included the World Bank, Unicef and the UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS). More recently, RESEP member Professor Martin Gustafsson completed a report for the UIS on challenges relating to the monitoring of learning proficiency, with a specific focus on SDG indicator 4.1.1. The current emphasis on understanding learning proficiency in schooling systems is one of the most important developments to arise out of the transition from the UN’s Millennium Development Goals to the Sustainable Development Goals. Exactly why internationally comparable statistics on learning proficiency are important, and what they would be used for, are discussed in Gustafsson’s report. Additionally, the report explores how to guard against poor quality data, as well as poor interpretations of the data, in a context where data are never perfect.
The UIS report by Gustafsson, titled ‘Costs and benefits of different approaches to measuring the learning proficiency of students (SDG Indicator 4.1.1)’, is available here: